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Security in the Internet of Things Demands a New Approach
The strength of a system is beholden to its weakest point. This concept is the reason that security in the Internet of Things is an altogether different brand of security than in the past. In a world where objects and environments are digitally connected and placed...
Here Comes the Collision of Consumer & Industrial Internet of Things
The consumer and industrial elements of the the Internet of Things and Smart Systems are colliding. The Internet of Things has been largely bifurcated between industrial and consumer adoption, investment, and ecosystem since its inception. We saw the beginnings of the...
Five Examples of Consumer & Industrial Internet of Things Colliding
According Harbor Research, some 4.3B new devices (excluding laptops and PCs) were connected to the Internet in 2015. Based on current installations, our modeling forecasts there will be some 36B devices in just four years (by 2020). But one central question is how and...
A Podcast Exploring Consumer & Industrial Internet of Things Trends in 2016
Recently I had the pleasure of joining Mike Kavis, VP & principal architect of Cloud Technology Partners and Forbes columnist, for a lively podcast discussion on some of the key trends impacting both consumer and industrial IoT in 2016. This conversation grew out...
From Sensors to Services to Ecosystems: It’s Time Businesses Think More Broadly About the Internet of Things
There is certainly no shortage of buzz surrounding the Internet of Things. Thanks to sharp declines in the costs of sensing technology and data processing, we saw momentum grow more last year than ever before. According to Harbor Research, some 4.3 billion new devices...
The Top 18 Internet of Things Trends to Watch in 2016
2015 was a huge year for the Internet of Things space—not just in hype, but in growth, movement, and development. From our perspective, 2016 is ripe for continued evolution—not just around the application of sensors on ‘things,’ but around the myriad of forces and...
Lessons in IoT: What B2B Can Teach B2C and Vice Versa
Some may argue that the Internet of Things has more advanced applications on the industrial side than on the consumer side. Machine-to-machine (M2M) connectivity has indeed been around for years, particularly in traditional industries such as manufacturing, energy,...
What Salesforce’s IoT Cloud does for Internet of Things Suppliers and Adopters
The IoT vendor ecosystem is a confusing, quickly evolving, and already crowded space. To say the least... The ‘IoT’ vendor landscape-- like its ‘umbrella term’ of a name: the Internet of Things (IoT)-- is hardly a single field of basically similar competitive...
Why aren’t more IoT conferences focused on security and privacy?
Although activity and innovation in the IoT space are growing rapidly, the reality is that the approach to one of the most critical elements of a connected world remains wildly fragmented and inconsistent: security. Repeated studies find security is the greatest...