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Security in the Internet of Things Demands a New Approach

Security in the Internet of Things Demands a New Approach

The strength of a system is beholden to its weakest point. This concept is the reason that security in the Internet of Things is an altogether different brand of security than in the past. In a world where objects and environments are digitally connected and placed...

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The Top 18 Internet of Things Trends to Watch in 2016

The Top 18 Internet of Things Trends to Watch in 2016

2015 was a huge year for the Internet of Things space—not just in hype, but in growth, movement, and development. From our perspective, 2016 is ripe for continued evolution—not just around the application of sensors on ‘things,’ but around the myriad of forces and...

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Lessons in IoT: What B2B Can Teach B2C and Vice Versa

Lessons in IoT: What B2B Can Teach B2C and Vice Versa

Some may argue that the Internet of Things has more advanced applications on the industrial side than on the consumer side. Machine-to-machine (M2M) connectivity has indeed been around for years, particularly in traditional industries such as manufacturing, energy,...

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