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Why should businesses care about the Internet of Things?

Why should businesses care about the Internet of Things?

Everyday it seems we hear of another cutting-edge bio-metric tracker, the 'next big' location-based sensor and data transmitter, the inevitable fleet of driverless cars, or some other 'smart'-something-- how about a fork that tells you when you're eating too much? The...

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Upcoming Research: Exploring the Chasm

Upcoming Research: Exploring the Chasm

There is a funny thing that happens when humans create new technologies-- We get really excited!! Our inner geek pushes its way out and we find ourselves browsing articles, watching videos, and getting lost in the what-if's and imagine-a-world-where's in which...

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SXSW 2013: Connecting the Dots

SXSW 2013: Connecting the Dots

SXSW exists in its own category: it’s not just a conference, it’s not just a festival, it’s not just a tradeshow; it’s an amalgamation of all three and more, a mecca for consumers, brands, agencies, vendors, artists, musicians, cultural icons, and of course, nerds:...

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Illuminating Data

Illuminating Data

Data acts as a veil, a sort of overarching condition that results from and drives our interactions. It’s something like language in this regard; we contribute to it by our very interactions and behaviors, and we use it to communicate, to function, and to connect more...

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If Necessity is the Mother, Serendipity is the Father

If Necessity is the Mother, Serendipity is the Father

Trial and error, iteration, and serendipity are all part of our vernacular when it comes to innovation, much like mutations, adaptation, and variation are key ingredients to evolution. Whether it is a prehistoric adolescent who mistakenly weights the end of his spear...

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