Source: CafeNext

Source: CafeNext

Internet of Briefings! Vendors, agencies, start-ups: consider this my request for your briefing. As Altimeter conducts analysis on the ‘Internet of Things’ market– a young, and inherently dispersed and diverse ecosystem– we welcome your introduction. If your organization is involved in any of the following parts of the IoT ecosystem, I want to talk to you.

  • Agencies actively deploying IoT or mobile initiatives with brand clients
  • IoT cloud services
  • IoT software or systems integration providers
  • IoT data analysis vendors
  • Connected hardware manufacturers (e.g. chips, sensors, actuators, beacons, mobile devices, wearables, connected products)
  • Mobile device management
  • Advertising solutions
  • IoT product/UX/designers/marketers
  • Telecom providers
  • IoT Investor, Board advisor
  • Associations, educational/academic institutions

Follow this form to open up the opportunity to our entire research team, or just get in touch with me directly: [email protected]. Briefings are an important channel for our ongoing research, particularly in disruptive markets.  Over 2015, Altimeter will be researching the following areas related to IoT:

  1. Consumer-facing IoT: How brands are using sensors to enhance customer experience, including the 5 primary use cases for B2C customer experience.
  2. IoT, Privacy, Ethics: Upcoming research in Q2 will assess the role of privacy, transparency, and data ethics in an increasingly digital world– a key challenge for the Internet of Things.
  3. IoT & Business Model Creation: Upcoming research in Q2-Q3 will assess how the Internet of Things creates new business models
  4. Ecosystem Map: Vendor mapping for both B2C and B2B

Thank you sincerely for contributing to my coverage of this space and Altimeter research.

Jessica Groopman