Recently I had the pleasure of joining Mike Kavis, VP & principal architect of Cloud Technology Partners and Forbes columnist, for a lively podcast discussion on some of the key trends impacting both consumer and industrial IoT in 2016.


This conversation grew out of a report we at Harbor Research wrote about the top 18 IoT trends to watch in 2016. Unlike other predictions pieces, our objective was to illustrate the evolutionary trajectory of this phenomenon by showing where movement is already well underway, specific examples from 2015, and how such movement will impact and push forth wide swaths of the market in the immediate years to come.

Some of the questions Mike and I explore include…

  • What is the impact of IoT becoming more mainstream?
  • Where are the most notable examples of Consumer and Industrial IoT colliding?
  • What is the significance of so much M&A activity in the semiconductor space?
  • What is the role of machine learning in the growth of IoT adoption?
  • What technologies most critical to horizontal IoT use cases?
  • And more…

You can access both (at no cost) the full podcast here and the full report here.

I also welcome your feedback, dialog, or input on any of trends mentioned or others you feel we’ve overlooked. Despite the tremendous hype, the Internet of Things is a very nascent market with infinite unseen risks and opportunities and requires as much discussion, collaboration, and debate as possible.

Finally, a thanks to Mike Kavis and Cloud Technology Partners for hosting this discussion.